New Start Homes


minimalist and high-quality apartments for different living situations, affordable for everyone, thanks to a living environment designed for the essential aspects of everyday life
optimized, flexible floor plans, without useless areas such as corners, corridors and chambers; easily adaptable for different life periods; easy to furnish; always with relation to the outside (balcony or French windows); high quality materials; common rooms for ancillary facilities on the ground floor and a common terrace as a meeting place; compact organization and access throughout the building for short easy routes
improvement of the ecological footprint, supported by the building structure, which allows a variety of construction methods; smart case; simple inspection and maintenance-friendliness through supply and disposal lines in the stairwell and short line routing in the general areas, sensible use of the basic installations enables minimization and optimization of the technical facilities, e.g.: through the use of prefabricated boxes for wet cells


Category Communication, Housing, City Planning
Commissioner Neue Heimat Tirol NHT
Type self-initiative
Status ongoing

NHT - Neue Heimat Tirol

Copyright driendl*architects ZT GmbH
Images driendl*architects, Günter Dirr
